Liberty Belle Volleyball Club

Delco Volleyball Tryouts 2024-2025



Welcome to the Delco Volleyball!

Delco Volleyball  is a subsidiary  of the Liberty Belle Volleyball Club.  The Delco Volleyball  offers teams at the 15U and 16U level for the 2024-2025 and will compete in JVA, AAU and USA Volleyball tournaments from January through June. 

Please fill out the registration form and complete the necessary step in order to tryout.  Also please remit payment of $40.  We accept Cash, Check (made out to Liberty Belle VBC) day of tryout or Venmo prior to tryouts (@liberty-belle-vbc).  In Venmo and check memo please put name of Athlete and Delco.

For any questions please email us at

Thank you for choosing the Delco Volleyball and the Liberty Belle Volleyball Club